Badou Jack - Fighter

2015-09-13: Badou Jacks wins agains George Groves and defends his WBC belt.
Badou Jack wins a split decison (116-111, 115-112, 113-114.)

Punch stats

Jack: Punches thrown - 506. Punches connected 210. (42 %)

Groves: Punches thrown - 721 Punches connected 154 (21 %)

Jack: Jabs thrown/connected 262/83 (32%)

Groves: Jabs thrown/connected 455/89 (19%)

Jack: Power punches thrown/conn. 244/127 (52%)

Groves: Power punches thrown/conn 266/68 (26%)

(Jack landed 52 power punches to the body)

2015-04-29: Badou Jack vs Anthony Direll ( Badou Jack wins the WBC titel) Highlights first Jacob vs Truax
Badou Jack vs Anthony Direll. FULL FIGHT
Taggar: badou jack, wbc, wbc belt, wbc titel;

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